domenica 8 settembre 2013

england,world speak and understand English,spain, sweet england....poole and many more city, all south england and all england......

we hope that the translation has been done as correctly as possible .... the original text is written in Italian


we point out that we do not want to teach anyone anything ..... because we are the first who must learn in life and in work

we do with our personal observations, will be right or wrong .... time will tell

being in a democratic state ... maybe it seems appropriate to write what we think / believe


we seek local management in barcelona catalonia and to open an Italian restaurant / International, with various things also produced by us in a home , to our prices , etc, etc


the fact remains that

if any person / company with a lot more disposable income .... of us want to realize in his own country or elsewhere, something like that, a restaurant or equal to our way of seeing .... with specialists like us .... ( we are always available to any test , interview ... ) and want to take in his employment

and put everything at higher prices, or more, to customers very important, elite , and much different from our point of view

we are ready to listen

if you wish, we have already prepared a menu with millions and millions of course all different .....

we can have this immense number , because we have what we call a menu to turn

and the method is simple .... but not for everyone, in Italian primiss ....


in Italy and also around the world, the bolognese sauce goes well for pasta, pizza and instead for the right? ? ?

barcelona many already do ...

because the bolognese sauce is not present in any bruschetta ? ? ? ?

it is forbidden ? ? ? is poisonous ? ? ? ? ?

we propose the bolognese sauce anywhere

those who want to can eat in the

appetizer , pasta, pizza, fish .... vegetables, salads , etc, etc

we do not impose the offer , for those who like in any way, we give the

why we get millions of dishes are all different , and we should not change the menu from time to time

is the client who tells us he wants, if he wants lemon and cream ... we give

who's going to eat anywhere, should not have the problem of being seen as a Martian ( often happens in Italy ..) if by any chance take a pizza with tuna and salami , or with meat ranges , etc, etc

or if you want in a pizza sauce scheduled for pasta carbonara or other type ....

in Italy if someone asks this , it was crazy , or stupid

instead we think that

everyone eats what he wants, and meddles with the foods you want , without accounting to anyone

in the end , it is important that pays , and you will be happy ..... everything else we do not care

for this

we prepared various dishes and not at very low cost , and easy to implement , to the true and authentic Italian manner , and not

with waste close to zero, because everything we put it in everything, and for this all ends quickly , and do not throw anything

if anyone is interested let us know



Hello everyone

we have seen across the Internet menu and prices of various Italian restaurants and not in barcelona, ​​restaurants not exclusive and not to the city center, but restaurants Mid, in areas of medium importance, and we came to a conclusion ... (we know that there are many thousands of restaurants .... we saw a few dozen of them, we hope to have seen those that fall in the right average of the prices of Barcelona, ​​then many have not written the price of what they sell .... or they forgot to write .... or maybe they think they do not let him have a heart attack to those who read the different prices, or other writings ....)

our conclusion is said (without wanting to teach anyone anything, or have the presumption varies, or other negative ...)

as everywhere in Italy and in the world ... the menu of many restaurants is very limited in choice, for various reasons, and the prices ... do not talk about .... we know how much it costs per month to maintain a restaurant, but we also know how much food that is processed and then sold ....

instead we

we can make a super huge menu with the choice of all, with so many creams and sauces (also very cheap) which combined with cleverly change the taste of food ... From bruschetta to fish .... and at ridiculous prices for Barcelona and not only ..., and with high probability of being able to work, and also a lot ..... at least we believe / hope / we hope ...

taking into account that

the prices of raw materials (flour, milk, eggs, vegetables, meat, fruit, etc., etc.) is equal to Italy ... and do not think so, that is, prices will generally be definitely lower, since many things we Italians l also import from spain ....


rents of the premises seem to us ridiculous .... in palermo (Sicily) where we reside, for example, which is less than zero barcelona, ​​how important city / internazionale.....i prices average rents are more than double / triple .... rented a 100 square meters in non-central areas you pay by 1300/1600 euro up .... here from you with this figure is much larger rented premises or in areas of almost fine .... and in every way the people that spins in barcelona compared to palermo there appears to be significantly higher .... and spend money in%
certainly different ...


taxes, fees, etc, etc that you pay in spain, barcelona, ​​etc, etc, will be immensely lower .... just the fact that you only federalists .... and get permission to open a restaurant in Italy, is comparable to winning the lottery .... or almost, x because of the statist bureaucracy Italian ....


tourism that c is in Barcelona, ​​we do not know is how many thousand times larger than our city .... palermo ..... and why c is a matter of bigger cash at all levels ... even for restaurants ... at least we hope

After all these considerations, and others, we have come to this conclusion

we can sell you a complete lunch or dinner at Italian and that is with 3 courses, a 10/13 euro, with a good quality / price, and doing so in theory it should sell ... several hundred plates of food per day, with mutual gain for both diners, both for restaurant managers ... that's us ....

this price we will be applying for both lunch and dinner, weekdays, holidays, etc, etc ..... it does not seem fair that the same food costs a price for lunch, and much more for dinner for example ... . because I buy a cell phone, the price is that, any time I buy I pay the same amount


Surely, if we want we can sell important things (caviar, oysters, champagne, lobster, fine cheeses and French, etc, etc) ..... a significant price, from 50/100 and more euro per person, but there goes there to eat at these places????

who has the money ....

berlusconi, ted turner, the regiina d england, shakira, Miguel Bose who is also a little Italian .... and others .....

and others???

are watching???

it is possible that only the rich can eat well, and others not???

we want to create a popular restaurant, where both those who are not rich, and the middle class, and the rich, they can / want to come to us, even for the right quality / price of the food, service, etc, etc.

we have places like this already exist, in general, in neighborhoods where there are millionaires .... from workers to those who have the money often is not ashamed to stand to eat on the side of who is a worker, or unemployed, because a lot of People go where you eat well and spend little as possible, they are rich or normal ...

.................................................. .......................

then as mentioned

our menu Italian in Italy, generally provides 3 main courses, the starter, the first (ie, pasta or rice, etc, etc) the second (ie, fish or meat, etc, etc), then there is also the cheese , fruit, etc, etc.

attention, let's talk about portions that are made in Italy, more precisely in the south Italy, where the portions are plentiful .... not like some miserable in all parts of the world, including Italy .... we worked in Italy / europe you know / We have seen many positive and negative things .... in the restaurant business in general, at least from our point of view

as said, we tend especially to the substance, to form little

in many restaurants

attention is paid especially to the choreography of the dish ... by us especially in southern Italy is spared the substance ... quantity and quality .... and a little choreography by us .... we must satiate the stomach eating, not only if it please the eye .... then our kitchen and everything else .... to our future customers the decision


We can achieve this at these prices, with our experience, knowledge, and wisdom in handling the food ....

to sell as said at these prices for both lunch and dinner ... in many places especially abroad, they make a price for lunch, another (much higher) for dinner .... in southern Italy who dreams of making this I repeat who dreams of doing this .... the incediano immediately .... com is the restaurant??? food price increases and decreases in the evening of day???

the price of the courses must be unique (lunch, dinner, etc, etc) for the seriousness of the restaurant, perhaps in some periods it changes something, or do promotion, etc, etc, but only at certain times

as mentioned upwards, we can sell in Barcelona and in all the world ... maybe ...

clearly buying the food at wholesale, not retail sale ....

average starter, price 2/3, 5 EUR

with various things with vegetables, meat, fish, eggs, small pizzas, things typical of southern Italy and of Italian, Europe, etc, etc.

portions from the 200/300 grams and more ...

pasta, any type, made fresh by us, to egg or not, with adjunctions of vegetables, etc, etc or not, or wheat, etc, etc on thousands of condiments

choice, with meat, fish, vegetables, meats, etc, etc, stuffed pasta type, lasagna, cannelloni, tortellini, ravioli, or carbonara, etc, etc

3/4, 5 EUR

that is, the portions 200/300 grams upwards

the second, that is, meat (veal, beef, chicken, turkey, pork, etc, etc), pizza, fish, etc, etc with thousands of various condiments, and various cooking techniques (Italian and foreign)

4/5, 5 EUR

portions from the 200/300 grams and more ... of course for the fish you have to see local prices .... but there will always be a good quality / price prezzo...abbiamo seen in some menus for the cod .... .allucinanti....12/18 € ...... we have the cod coast 6/8 euro per kilo retail, how much it costs to wholesale?? .... then there are 3/4 servings with a pound .....

we can sell (if the cost is the same of Italy) 4/5, 5 Euros at most .... with thousand of different toppings ....

and others, such as pastries, fruit, etc, etc at prices much lower than the average prices of barcelona and not just because work it does not cost a difference so high ... 10 + times .... and that is the gain that apply many restaurateurs everywhere ..

seeing that there are various prices in barcelona would seem impossible to do what

but be aware that

as written in our other ads, the food does not cost much, who realizes it asks for a lot .... to sell it right or wrong ... but we are content to earn what is right for us, that is 3/4 times the real cost of food is not working .... or 2/3 or so Euros per serving others ... we want to earn 10 times more ..... and we are more humble and modest and ..... in this time of crisis we prefer to earn what we believe the right .... and the amount of sales, not on the luxury of the room, or the presentation of food or other unimportant .... in our opinion

and gaining 2/3 euro per dish apart from the real cost of the food, if you sell 250/350 or more in a day, open from 9 to 24 and more, clearly doing the rounds ..., 1000 to make the euro more day gain, then include the beverage, miscellaneous things Italian and unrealized between lunch and dinner (the drink they say in Italy), take the way ... especially the pizzas, etc, etc, levandoci all costs, including our cost, as well as workers, employee salaries, rent room, etc, etc it seems that some 150/250 € and more remain in your pocket net .... x 30 days a month or so ..... maybe you can live with this amount of net gain as the owners of a restaurant (except as mentioned the salary that will take as lavorannti) ... even in barcelona ........

and it is impossible to reach these figures ....... tutt another, having available a city in economic turmoil as it might be barcelona ..... you can reach much higher figures ..... taking account of the minimum cost variety of food that is sold all over the world, such as pasta, pizza, etc., etc.

example, average cost

plain pizza in Italy the coast of pocket spending, ie flour, yeast, water, oil, tomato, mozzarella, etc, etc do not top quality, but not of poor quality (no pagar the rent, electricity, taxes, etc, etc) at most 0.80 / 0.90 cents .... if you sell a 3.5 / 4 euro does not seem like an expensive price .... or too little .... it takes a markup of 400% I sold it ........ maybe I 200/300 per day .......

and we know / want to do it all .... Italian with a touch of originality, or if you wish ....

we, for example

in general, we see that here in barcelona coast daisy 1 6/8 ..... € up to 11 € ..... to us it seems a really cost spopositato .... and then you have to see how it's done. .... we are born and live in Italy and we really know the various techniques for cooking food at its best, that is, in a hearty and light, especially that of our kitchen .... ie pasta, pizza, meat, fish , vegetables, etc., etc.

ultimately, we want to earn on the quantity / quality of goods sold, with good quality / price

for this, we

restaurants / bars / pizzerias, etc, etc in barcelona and management throughout the province, possibly in participation of the owners of the restaurant / or local, or even who has a great restaurant, and would like to mettergli also a section dedicated to Italian cuisine / international classic innovations (on request)

affordable human .... where many can afford to eat out any (or almost) everything, and thus gaining all the quality / quantity

and we are not alone ..... in Italy and in the world

publish various flyers that run in palermo with prices for food, are some of the take-way, no restaurants, but taking into account all the costs that are higher in general in Italy, we can do almost the same prices including the service of restaurant, that is, the expense of the waiter, Seat, cleaning cutlery, etc, etc.

quote apart from a local legendary and well-known in palermo city .....

Ninu u ballerinu ........nino the dancer.....

he sells self-service, that you will take the whole thing and you sit down and eat .....

the dough, both in any sale, several tens ...

2, I repeat 2 €

a "second" that is, a dish of meat, vegetables, fish, etc, etc, several dozen ....

3, I repeat 3 €

.................................................. ...

choice between a 10 and more pizza for the other, on request give the other makes of various flavors (4 cheeses, capricious, calzone, etc, etc) all made with the true Italian method, ie indirect dough ..... high digestibility

3, I repeat 3 €

.................................................. ....

half a chicken on the grill

3,20 € 3,20 repeat with 2 side dishes very abundant

.................................................. ..........

all Italian coffee, espresso

50, I repeat 50 cents

.................................................. .....

also makes things that few people know outside palermo (are typical local dishes) .... not from Sicily or Italy ... of the bread with the spleen, pieces of rotisserie, bread fritters and croquettes, sfinciuni, etc, etc

and much more at prices that low quality and incredible .... and good / excellent and abundant


is completely crazy ...... really makes prices more than low .... every day has many thousands of customers ... myself included .... and has 29 employees ...

several times there goes the Italian and foreign television to interview ......... to see what it does ... and what he sells ...

ultimately won in a race, in a challenge on Italian television, Italy 2

good food is expensive ....... do not always need to know how skillfully manipulate it and settle for the fair return

we do not want to do this .......


ps) I note that

in all the Italian restaurants in Italy and especially in the rest of the world, we prepare the 0, ....

Italian cooking / regional / provincial / municipal / local / etc, etc.

There are tens of thousands of dishes, good and above all quick and easy to make and economical ....

that no more prepare ... (. dishes wrongfully considered pover, but yummy) ... including the homes of Italians

type the boiled meat, sauce, tripe, meatballs, liver, heart, rabbit, goat, etc, etc made ​​100,000 and more ways in various parts of Italy

we also want to achieve and not just the tastes of these lost for too long, and that the modern world has wrongly refused

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